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Kokomo Island Fiji
Dive Sites at Kokomo Private Island Fiji.

Dive Sites

With access to over 30 unique dive and snorkelling sites in the Great Astrolabe Reef and Solo Reef, guests of Kokomo are spoilt with choice. Experience something different, each day of your stay. Explore the mysterious caverns of the Grotto, navigating caves and passages in the deep calm of the ocean. Be captivated by coral bommies, decorating the floor of Wonderland, where anemonefish float in and out of the soft corals. Or discover the sweeping slopes of Side Street. The reef flat is a treasure chest of hard corals, while the drop off is home to an abundance of pelagic creatures. Allow our experienced dive team to recommend a location, best suited to your experience level.

  • Cave Dive at Kokomo Private Island Fiji

    Cave Dive

    Explore one of our favourite caves at dive site ‘Grotto’. This fantastic network of caves and swim throughs is an exciting adventure for the curious divers.

  • Coral Dives at Kokomo Private Island Fiji

    Coral Dives

    The Great Astrolabe Reef and Solo Reef are packed full of flourishing hard and soft corals with stunning colourful reef fish such as anthias and damsels for your pleasure.

  • Drift Dives at Kokomo Private Island Fiji

    Drift Dives

    We keep it nice and relaxed here at Kokomo. The majority of our dives are drift dives that involve cruising with the current to get the most out of our air.

  • Manta Cleaning at Kokomo Private Island Fiji

    Manta Cleaning

    Visit a nearby Manta Cleaning Station where you can get up close and personal with reef mantas as they visit their version of a ‘day spa’.

  • Swimthroughs at Kokomo Private Island Fiji


    Many of our sites across the Great Astrolabe include fun swim throughs for certified divers to explore with us.

  • Wall Dives at Kokomo Private Island Fiji

    Wall Dives

    Many of our sites such as ‘Corner’ and ‘Rainbows End’ feature lush steep walls of soft corals to enjoy.

  • Macro Dives at Kokomo Private Island Fiji

    Macro Dives

    Despite the awesome megafauna we do not forget about our macrofauna! Come on a Macro Dive to discover beautiful shrimps, nudibranchs, flatworms and many more!