Not for the faint hearted
For intermediate and advanced surfers seeking a world class surfing experience, we have three exceptional reef breaks accessible via private boat charter. Naiqoro Passage is a steep right hander located 45 minutes from Kokomo, Vesi Passage is a steep left hander 60 minutes away, while Soso Passage is a steep right hander 90 minutes from Kokomo.
A standard surf trip typically lasts for four hours on our Mako Vessel (centre console boat), will transfer four surfers and one guide, and includes a packed lunch. Please note this boat has very little shade cover and has no bathroom. For a full day experience, we recommend chartering one of our larger vessels such as Kato.
While experienced surfers will likely bring their own board, guests can select from Kokomo’s quiver of surfboards for the duration of their surf adventure.